Carl Zeiss Foundation Program Manager Dr. Karla Hillerich (left) and Project Manager Prof. Dr. Dirk Westermann (2nd from left) with other project members
The official kick-off of the research project with its international team took place on June 19, 2024 as part of a networking event organized by the Carl Zeiss Foundation.
The Carl Zeiss Foundation regularly organizes networking events at the various funding recipients. This year we took the opportunity to officially open our research project “Resource-efficient energy distribution network using DC technology VerneDCt”.
During the guided tours offered, the participants had the opportunity to see the laboratories of the Thuringian Energy Research Institute and, in particular, the entire process chain: from “energy generation” at our charging park to the “test stand” in our machine hall and “control and management of energy distribution” in our dynamic control room.

Six groups with around 20 employees are involved in the project. A separate room with 10 workstations has been created for interdisciplinary collaboration. The project will run until 2029 and is being funded with around 5 million Euros.